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23 November 2009

Download Youtube dan audio dengan sekali klik

Mungkin selama ini masih banyak yang bingung bagaimana cara mendownload video dari you tube ataupun file video/audio dari suatu halaman web padahal ia sangat ingin mendownload file tersebut, ada banyak freeware yang dapat digunakan untuk hal tersebut tapi sharing saya kali ini membahas RealPlayer Sp Gold, dimana software ini bisa mendownload file audio video dari sebuah halaman website hanya dengan satu klik saja dan langsung menyimpannya di hardisk anda.

Cara Pertama agar dapat memanfaatkan feature ini adalah ketika kita menginstal software ini kita harus mencentang ke show the "download video" button on page atau kita dapat mengatur setingan ini sesudah software ini kita instal, caranya adalah dengan menjalankan software realplayer sp gold kemudian masuk kemenu Tools>preference>download&recording, disitu kita bisa mencentang salah satu option
"show the download video button" on page/only on mouse-over/don't show (download is only accesible from right clik)
Silahkan pilih salah satu..
sebelumnya jangan lupa untuk mengintegrasikan realplayer ke browser anda baik mozilla maupun internet explorer ataupun yang lainnya.
selamat mencoba dan selamat mendownload..

*RealPlayer SP Features
->RealPlayer H.264
The new RealPlayer H.264 converter lets you easily convert your video to the new digital video standard for consumer electronics and PCs.
->Advanced Video
You can resize and correct screen aspect ratios with a click. Plus it’s easy to adjust brightness and hue with our advanced tools.
->Burn DVDs
RealPlayer Plus SP gives you 120–minute DVD burning and lets you burn DVDs easily.
->Download Videos
Now you can download and organise your favourite web videos from thousands of sites. Then watch them anytime, anywhere you want.
->Convert Videos
Our new video converter makes it incredibly easy to copy online video to your iPod, mobile, Xbox, PS3 or other favourite device.
->Share Videos
RealPlayer SP is the easiest way to share your favourite videos - with your favourite people – on your Facebook page or Twitter feed.
Video Features
->Universal Player
Play every major media type, including Flash, QuickTime MPEG-4, Windows Media, DVDs and CDs.
->Works With iTunes
Transfer your favourite videos from thousands of Web sites to your iTunes library.
->Built-in Media Browser
The built-in media browser lets you to surf the Web while you're playing video clips or listening to music.
->High Quality Video
Enjoy HD and near DVD-quality video and audio with your broadband connection.
LivePause & Perfect Play
Pause, rewind and fast-forward through live audio or video clips while they play. Create your own instant replays.

*Audio Features
->Advanced CD Burning
Rip, mix and burn CDs and MP3. Normalize volume across your CD, set up crossfades and remove gaps between tracks.
Crossfade between songs and add reverb to give your mixes a professional edge.
->RealAudio Lossless Format
Our new format allows you to burn high-quality CDs using only half the disk space of the standard CD audio format.
->Advanced Audio
Take control with a 10–band equalizer. You can even convert vinyl, tape and voice to digital files.
->Multiple Audio Formats
Supports audio CD, MP3, WMA, AAC, RealAudio Lossless, and many more.
Make your music look as cool as it sounds with many of colourful, animations that move to the music.
10-Band EQ
Optimise your sound exactly the way you like it with a 10-band graphic equaliser. Adjust your EQ for room size, input type, and more.
Surround Sound
RealPlayer supports 5-channel audio and a dedicated sub-woofer channel.

These features are available only with RealPlayer Plus, which is included with RealMusic and SuperPass.

RealPlayer SP System Requirements
RealPlayer SP Minimum System Requirements
• 1.4 GHz processor or faster
• 512 MB of RAM Windows XP with Service Pack 2
• 1 GB of RAM with Vista Service Pack 1
• 300 MB available disk space
• 16-bit sound card and speakers
• 1024x600, 65k color or higher display
• Adobe Flash Player 9 or later
• Video Downloading is compatible with Internet Explorer 6.05 or later, FireFox 2.0
or later, and Google Chrome 1.0 or later.
DVD Burning
In addition to the above minimum system requirements:
• Compatible DVD writer (internal or external)
• 1 GB of RAM (XP) or 2 GB of RAM (Vista)
• 5 GB of free disk space for temporary files
RealPlayer SP Recommended System Requirements
• 2 GHz dual core processor or greater (supports simultaneous
record/playback features)
• 1 GB of RAM with Windows XP with Service Pack 3
• 2 GB with Vista Service Pack 1
• 28 MB Video Card
• High-speed Internet connection (audio/video)
• Full Duplex sound card and speakers
• CD and DVD writer (for CD and DVD writing features)
• USB 2.0 for device connection
• Windows Media Player 9.0 or later
• iTunes 7 or later for transfer to iPod or iPhone
• QuickTime 7.5 or later
• If using Screen-Reader software: JAWS (v4.02 or greater recommended) or Windows-Eye (v4.21 or greater)
High Definition Video System Requirements
• 3 GHz dual core processor or greater
• 128 MB or greater Video Card
• Widescreen monitor: • Minimum resolution: 1280 x 720 (720p) • Recommended resolution: 1920 x 1080 (1080p)

Download Real Player Sp Gold

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17 November 2009

Melia Biyang

"Adorable for everyone"
Human Growth Hormon (Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia): Hormon Protein yang dihasilkan oleh : KELENJAR PITUITARY.

Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia akan berkurang seiring dengan pertambahan usia. Pada umur 60 tahun volume Hormon Pertumbuhan hanya tinggal sebesar 25% jika dibandingkan dengan usia 21 tahun. Faktor-faktor yang membuat proses penuaan manusia jauh lebih cepat dari yang seharusnya adalah factor pola hidup yang tidak sehat.


Sistem metabolisme tubuh menurun serta gejala penuaan: daya ingat menurun, warna rambut berubah, kerutan-kerutan, stamina tidak prima, mudah lelah, sangat rentan terhadap penyakit, daya seksual menurun.


Ramuan alami yang berfungsi untuk merangsang Kelenjar Pituitary agar terus memproduksi Hormon Pertumbuhan, sehingga terjadi perbaikan system metabolisme tubuh, regenerasi sel, maka akan terjadi Pembalikan Usia Biologis serta juga meningkatkan aktivitas seksual serta stamina, dan juga meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.

1. Kolustrum (susu awal)
2. Vitamin B Kompleks
3. Asam Amino
4. Calsium


Meningkatkan daya ingat
Menambah stamina fisik dan mental
Meningkatkan kemampuan seksualitas
Mempercepat proses penyembuhan dan meningkatkan imunitas
Membantu penyembuhan darah tinggi/ stroke
Meningkatkan sistem metabolisme
Meningkatkan kekuatan tulang
Membantu mengembalikan warna rambut dan pertumbuhannya
Merangsang fungsi organ-organ tubuh yang vital: jantung, hati, pankreas, limpa dan ginjal


Bulan Pertama
Anda akan tidur lebih nyenyak, saat bangun merasa lebih segar, lebih kuat, serta tenaga lebih cepat pulih.

Bulan Kedua
Lemak dalam tubuh akan berkurang, pencernaan semakin baik, kegiatan seksual lebih baik.
Bulan Ketiga
Kemampuan berkonsentrasi lebih baik, masa penyembuhan penyakit lebih cepat, serta rambut lebih mengkilat. Gejala sakit menjelang haid berkurang untuk wanita serta membuat kembali haid (belum waktunya menopause).

Bulan Keempat
Regenerasi sel-sel mulai (proses penundaan penuaan) serta metabolisme tubuh meningkat secara keseluruhan.

Bulan Kelima
Kulit lebih kencang, padat dan elastis. Tekanan darah dan kadar kolesterol menurun, kerut muka dan garis-garis halus, mulai menghilang.

Bulan Keenam
Otot lebih padat. Rambut tumbuh lebih banyak dan peningkatan tenaga secara keseluruhan.



Disemprotkan ke bagian bawah lidah digunakan waktu pagi hari sebelum sarapan dan malam sebelum tidur:

Usia 40 tahun kebawah 3 kali semprot
Usia 40 tahun s/ 60 tahun 4 kali semprot
Usia diatas 60 tahun 5 kali semprot

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16 November 2009

Cute FTP Home is a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client used to transfer files between your computer and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers. Whether you are publishing a Web page, downloading the latest digital images, music, or software, or if you are just transferring large files between your home and office, Cute FTP Home gets the job done every time.

When do I need Cute FTP Home?

Cute FTP Home is used to transfer files of any size and/or type, including Web pages, multi-media files, or other documents to and from a file transfer server over FTP, the standard for moving files across the Internet.

Cute FTP Home assures efficient, reliable, secure connections and transfers over FTP (FTP over SSL/TLS). Typical uses include:

* Upload your web pages to your ISP's FTP Server for viewing in a web browser
* Upload work files to an FTP server.
* Upload your auction images to an FTP Server
* Upload or download multimedia files such as music, images or video files
* Download the latest game patches, programs or game demos from participating FTP servers
* Download large files faster than when using your Web browser
* Backup critical files to an FTP server in case your system crashes

How does Cute FTP Home work?

Cute FTP Home is similar to a web browser. You enter an "FTP" address instead of an "HTTP" address and it transfers files instead of opening them. Additionally, it lets you change filenames, delete files or folders, or edit a remote document using its internal editor.

Download FTP CUTE8

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11 Maret 2009

Select Software For Business

Selecting software for business requires expert knowledge of your business, and a clear understanding of how different pieces of software work together. Software is supposed to solve business problems, not create them. • Sales and Marketing: Attracting and retaining customers, and optimizing sales
A tough decision needs to be made here: are you going to make your business adapt to software, or can you find software that you can adapt to your business?
Software has a role to fill, just as an employee does. Software also has to "play nicely" with others, just as employees do. Consider Enterprise Software: Often, business problems are more complex than any one area listed above. Here are some examples of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software:
Can your budget grow if your software can do more?
• Will the new software play nicely with others?
• Who can you ask for advice in selecting software or a vendor?
• What software are your associates and competitors using?
• Who is going to support your software?

Mail List Software

It is now much simpler and more effective to send mass email to targeted people via your computer. Sending an email to one address at a time would be a laborious and time-ineffective task. Mass mailing allows you to send the same letter to thousands of people at a time, but still keep the emails personalized.
This is where mail list software comes in to play, as the software program provides you with a specific format to send out effective email marketing.
Contact list management system: This feature means that the mail list software captures and organizes your contacts in a database for you, saving you a lot of time and effort.
Plain text and HTML capacities. People who have older computers do not always have the ability to read HTML mail. Having a plain text capacity allows you to operate more than one type of list, meaning you can section your email list into specific campaigns for future use.
By Peder Halseide

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06 Maret 2009

Saiful remas kiki fatmala,

Saiful remas Kiki fatmala dalam adegan film pijit atas kena bawah kena, kiki fatmala kontan berang ketika syaiful meremas bagian tubuhnya yang sensitif.. ia langsung memaki maki syaiful dan meninggalkan lokasi dengan bertelanjang dada, hanya di tutupi dengan sehelai kain yang dipeganginya.. (lucu juga kejadiannya.. mau diekspos kok masih ditutupi)... syaiful langsung melongo sambil menahan malu tapi bingung ( serius ga sie nie orang lg marah) :)

infotainment baru saja menayangkan berita ini dan untuk melihat videonya bisa di cari di youtube

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